===================================== ``trino-admin`` command line options ===================================== A quick overview of the possible CLI options for ``trino-admin`` can be found via ``./trino-admin --extended-help``. More details on those options can be found below. --version Prints out the current ``trino-admin`` version and exits. -h, --help Prints out a usage string, the basic ``trino-admin`` options and the available commands, then exits. -d, --display Prints detailed information about a given command. e.g., to get detailed information about the ``server install`` command, enter: .. code-block:: none ./trino-admin -d server install --extended-help Prints out a usage string, all the ``trino-admin`` options and the available commands, then exits. -I, --initial-password-prompt Forces password prompt before running any commands on the cluster. Either this option or the ``--password`` option is necessary if the user from ``~/.trinoadmin/config.json`` needs a password for sudo. Note that the SSH password and the sudo password must be the same, if passwordless SSH is not used. -p PASSWORD, --password=PASSWORD Sets password for use with authentication and/or sudo. Either this option or the ``--initial-password-prompt`` option is necessary if the user from ``~/.trinoadmin/config.json`` needs a password for sudo. Note that the SSH password and the sudo password must be the same, if passwordless SSH is not used. --abort-on-error Aborts the command, instead of warning, if a command fails on any node. The default for ``trino-admin`` is to warn if a command fails on any node. -a, --no_agent Forces ``trino-admin`` not to seek out running SSH agents when using key-based authentication. -A, --forward-agent Enables forwarding of a local SSH agent to the remote end. --colorize-errors Colorizes error output. -D, --disable-known-hosts Turns off loading of a user's SSH known_hosts file. Disabling known_hosts leaves you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. However,in some environments like EC2, a particular host getting a different key should not mean that you are not able to connect via SSH to that host. -g HOST, --gateway=HOST Routes SSH connections through the SSH daemon on the specified gateway host to their final destination. -H HOSTS, --hosts=HOSTS Sets the list of hosts where a ``trino-admin`` command should be executed. The values should be comma-separated and exist in your topology. -i PATH Adds the SSH private key file specified by PATH to the set of keys to try during key-based SSH authentication. May be repeated. -k, --no-keys Disables loading private key files from ``~/.ssh/``. --keepalive=N Sends an SSH keepalive every N seconds to keep SSH from timing out. -n M, --connection-attempts=M Makes M attempts to connect before giving up. The default number of attempts to try is 1. --port=PORT Sets the SSH connection port. If the SSH port is set both in ``~/.trinoadmin/config.json`` and on the command line, the port specified on the command line will be used. -r, --reject-unknown-hosts Aborts when a host is not in the user's SSH ``known_hosts`` file. --system-known-hosts=SYSTEM_KNOWN_HOSTS Loads the given SSH ``known_hosts`` file before reading the user's ``known_hosts`` file. -t N, --timeout=N Sets the network connection timeout to N seconds. The default is 10 seconds. -T N, --command-timeout=N Sets the timeout for the given remote command to N seconds. The default is to have no timeout. -u USER, --user=USER Sets the user that is used for SSH connections. If the SSH username is set both in ``~/.trinoadmin/config.json`` and on the command line, the username specified on the command line will be used. -x HOSTS, --exclude-hosts=HOSTS Sets the list of hosts to be excluded when executing a ``trino-admin`` command. The values should be comma-separated and exist in your topology. --serial Switches to run the command in serial. The default is to run in parallel, because parallel mode is usually faster. However, if you want a password prompt while the command is running (without specifying ``-I`` or ``--initial-password-prompt``), the ``--serial`` flag is necessary.